Saturday, October 22, 2016

First Grade Leaf Collages

I love to do this project with the first graders. Its great for fine motor skills and I think the results are always spectacular.

The students use a mixture of water and glue to paste down the tissue squares. I also use oaktag with a leaf traced on it, the paper needs to be thick enough to deal with the giant puddles of glue water that they will inevitably paint on.

 The gluing takes one art class. When the students return to me for the next session, they cut out the leaf and glue it on to a square of paper. Then we discuss borders, and patterns and they use cut paper squares in a variety of colors for the border. They can do a pattern if they like but its not mandatory.

 I also let them use a sharpie to add the veins to the leaf. I try to throw in a little science lesson and compare the veins in our bodies to the veins in the leaf.

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